Monday, December 17, 2018

Intimacy Choreography for Films and Television!

I am thrilled to announce that I am broadening my movement coaching and intimacy advice to enhance the working environments on film and television sets. After reading about HBO's use of an Intimacy Choreographer, I knew it was something that aligned my passions for Sex and Consent Education, as well as movement coaching and performance choreography.

As a former actor who was hired for striptease, simulated sex scenes, stage fighting, and nude work, I often needed to navigate potentially uncomfortable scenes with co-stars, directors and crew. Through years of movement coaching, sex and consent-based education, partner yoga, and erotic dancing, I have acquired a specialized skill set. I not only have a passion for all aspects of intimacy choreography, but also an ability to observe and break down movements.

To learn more about my methods for creating choreography, working with actors, and availability and rates, email

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Yellow Fever eats raises consciousness about stereotypes, and makes a tasty bowl of rice. I'd say, "SUCCESS!"

The small chain of Asian rice and noodle dishes has made it the New York Times, but not for their delicious eats. Yellow Fever is under attack by "critics" who call their name irresponsible. According to the New York Times, these critics say, "they are making little effort to challenge ideas of how Asian women are viewed sexually.

Ummm, seems like they are indeed challenging these ideas, as the debate has officially begun. Let's also acknowledge that I don't expect the restaurant who serves my food to challenge my thoughts on social change. I also do want my food experience to be as satisfying as sex, if I can. I want it to tempt me visually, cause my body to go into a state of pleasure reception, and complete the food orgasm by actually tasting delicious when I put it into my mouth and swallow. Yes, I have had food give me that total experience, Yellow Fever isn't one of them unfortunately. Their food is tasty and delicious; however, but as a small walk up restaurant, they deliver on the promise of fresh, flavorful foods, that are quick and cheap.

As an Asian-American woman, I am certainly not offended by the name, even though I laughed when I saw the title. I expected to see scantily clad Asian women holding bowls of rice when I clicked on the Instagram account, but was equally thrilled when I saw a family friendly feed of images that expressed their small business vibe of serving great food in a casual atmosphere.

So, is the name offensive? Even my "white" husband didn't understand the derogatory reference, and he's married to an Asian-American woman. Does asking Yellow Fever to change their name, thereby avoiding the term, change the social consciousness? And... where do we stop?

Should Puma have to change their shoe brand because it also shares the word with a derogatory reference to women? Should all schools and Universities with mascots of Cougars be asked to switch to something less offensive? At some point, we have to understand that the responsibility of our words belong to us, and how we interpret them. Words are fueled with intention, and are not bad because of the words themselves, but how we use them.

Thank you Yellow Fever for serving up not only a social debate, but also food we can love a long time.