That being said, what are some brands of non-latex condoms for those who are interested in safe sex? I recently discovered Lifestyles new SKYN condoms, released to the US in 2008. They are a Polyisoprene material versus the less than adequate option we've had up to this point, polyurethane. This new revolutionary material has achieved FDA approval for pregnancy and STD protection, while providing a more natural feel for both partners, maintaining the strength of latex while boasting the sensitivity of an ultra thin condom.

Then you have the less reliable polyurethane, which I realize may have been the only option til recent, for those gals out there with latex allergies. Yikes! These babies are not FDA approved for safe protection against STD's or unwanted pregnancy, and have been know to break easily. Should you encounter a man using these condoms, you may want to take notice and make a choice that could affect your evening.... and the rest of your life.
If you're a crunchy type and wonder what you could use to keep the sex natural, you can opt for the Lamb skin condoms, which are NOT proven to protect against STD's but are considered effective against pregnancy. So if you're simply looking for contraception, this could be a viable option for you. Be warned, they are more expensive than the synthetics and may not be as aromatically pleasing.
So what do these "other" condoms look like?

There are many women and men out there who would prefer to go bareback than use condoms, but thankfully we care more about our bodies and our partners than to risk the long-term, and potentially life-threatening consequences that could result.
While you may not like the feel of latex condoms, it is still recommended (by the FDA) that only people with LATEX ALLERGIES use non-latex condoms for their protection from Sexually Transmitted diseases.