That's right, it's almost here!
The most (and least) romantic day of the year! Sure, I am an anti V-day chic myself, but I AM also a parent, who apparently must succumb to any and all celebratory holidays.... Okay, truth be told, I can be a sucker for telling the ones I love that, well... "I love them!"
I don't agree with the overly expensive dinners, over crowded restaurants and lame cards, but there are a few things I dig! Here are a few of my faves, plus some tips on how to make Valentine's day fun ad sexy with stuff you already have lying around!
Pictures may say 1000 words, but these cards tell it like it is! check out
Hipstercards.com for fun email-able V-day cards!

Chocolates are not only a natural aphrodisiac, but they are sexy to eat, melt and smother on your lover, and of course, swallow. Most of us have some sort of chocolate laying around, so grab it, met it down and use a paint brush, or your finger to brush it on your lover and lick it off! Chocolate does contain sugar however, so make sure none of it goes internally and causes a bacterial infection.... not sexy.

I grabbed some from Trader Joe's that are delish, or you can get this Sweet Heart box from Kama Sutra with everything ready to go, and sugar free!

Need some other sexy ideas?
1. Seduce them with food...Natural Aphrodisiacs you may already have in your fridge/spice cabinet!We already discussed chocolate, but what other things add some heat from the kitchen to the bedroom?
Read more here!2. Dress yourself up!Lingerie may seem like an expensive luxury these days, but most of us have some sexy panties, or stockings from our single days! Just add a red ribbon tied around your neck, or paint on some edible body paints in the shape of hearts over your nipples!
3. Tease them with a Lap Dance!This one is easy! Doesn't take much to give a lap dance, just four basic steps to performing it, and the second you start the music and come out, he'll know what's up! It won't even matter at that point what you do! But here's the breakdown, walk in, half straddle him, putting one leg inside of his, then full straddle and right 'em cowgirl! Then do the reverse, lay back and wrap your arm around his neck. If you want more instruction, email or call me about doing a workshop!
4. Touch and reconnect through relaxation or erotic massage.Erotic Massage is a great way to get the blood pumping literally and figuratively! Stimulating the pelvic area is great for circulation and reconnecting with your lover. using somewhat firm, but still gentle movements, go in circular motions down toward the pelvis , diving in between the legs, but not touching the genitals and continue repeating the movements. Use a massage oil, or
hot oil massage candle to make the experience sensual and relaxing all at once!
5. Put a ring on it!... couples enhancement rings bring on the fun!Who says diamonds are a girl's best friend? They haven't used a powerful vibrating couples ring! Slip one on him, let it rest all the way at the bottom of the shaft, and turn on the vibrating bullet for you! If you're a manual stimulation gal, or like to grind into him to get your needs met, you'll love the extra attention with these rings! The
Elite Exciter,
Twice as Nice, and
Red Hot Love are my favorites!