Can a study of less than 50 women with tremendous amounts of uncontrolled variables really bring us to some sort of scientific conclusion worthy of the University of California's funding?

These are screen shots from the actual report which explains the study in blaringly disturbing detail. It goes on to report that these women, who's average age was 19, didn't answer calls from their fathers more frequently as they neared high fertility, and didn't initiate calls to their fathers as often during these times. They did; however, answer calls from and initiate calls to their mothers. Seems like it could be argued that they wanted more feminine, or motherly contact during these times.
And what was possibly happening during this time in their lives? Were they hanging out at home more, therefore decreasing the need to call their parents? Were they in the midst of finals? Did they just break up with a boyfriend? So many questions, and no real answers.
I emailed all three of these PhD's asking for some additional details on their findings, and not one even replied. (and no, there wasn't a mail return either) I wonder how we can get away with the lack of funds for elementary schools all around the country and yet universities are throwing money away on ridiculous and useless data.