Sounds strange, right? Why would I want to learn how to pee standing up? I like being a woman, I like having to hide behind a dirty stall door, placing toilet seat covers or layers of tee pee over a seat so I can take my time while sitting to urinate. Sure! I have a vague recollection of not rushing while I relieve my bladder, but in the last 9 years since I have had children, I don't recall having a leisurely pee....
I do recall having to go to the toilet in disgusting bathrooms in malls, gas stations, movie theatres, amusement parks, and especially port-a-pottys in parks, where the seat was no where near clean and I felt like showering in bleach afterward.
So where do I sign up? Take a class at the local parks and rec? Do they offer this type of thing in moms groups or hospitals? I introduce you to Stacy Kwan and her
Stand2Pee program!
Available on DVD for your own private lesson in the comfort of your own home and toilet.I knew that when I started the DVD I wouldn't be watching a video worthy of an Oscar, but it was still funny when the program began. Stacy is very serious about her pee-ing program, and at times you just want to bust up laughing. Her "models"/students are cute young girls who are equally maintaining their composure even thought the subject matter is hysterical. I kind of keep waiting for the girl-girl porn to begin, because while there is nothing sexual about the video, the cute young girls look a bit uncomfortable, in the "something's about to happen" kind of way.

Stacy interviews them about They even share their stories and experiences about why they want to learn how to stand and pee. With a little more creativity and even gimmicky additions, this video could rock!
Stacy is extremely thorough and I love how she covers all the bases for the topic. She tells us why we want to learn, where all our body parts are located, and how to actually do the steps, without showing a real vagina! Super classy, well shot, and well written. I wish she would smile more, and be silly with the subject matter, but hey, it's her video, not mine :)
There is some slight nudity (a couple of naked asses) but otherwise is not only tastefully done, but complete. 
Each young woman performs their first attempt standing in the bathtub, second attempt with jeans on, and third attempt over the toilet. I feel completely empowered to learn and plan on standing to pee outside of my shower!
To get your copy, visit her website at