I did an article back in 2009 entitled "What's in your Toy?" Six years later, we have even more options, creating even more questions about whether or not your battery operated boyfriend is not just good to you, but good for you. So I've updated the list of sex toys materials to include more information about how to choose your toy, as well as the sexy types of things you can put on, and in your body. From hard plastic to polished wood, I'll give you the reasons you might want to toss your old standby, or pick up something new this season.
Most of the original vibrators were made from hard plastic. Hard plastic vibes have been on the scene for a long time, are lubricant friendly, transfer vibrations well, are non-porous and can be cleaned and sanitized easily. What does this mean for you? It can be used with either water-based, or silicone lubes, will give you enough vibration to get you off, and are made from materials that are safe, i.e.: does not contain the controversial phthalates we have heard so much about.
Care and Feeding of your Hard Plastic Toys: Hard plastic can be cleaned with soap and water, toy cleaner, and sanitized with a solution of rubbing alcohol and water. Because they are non-porous, they can be stored virtually anywhere. But why not keep them clean and ready for your next moment of inspiration?! Be careful not to get the battery compartment wet! And always remove your batteries to prolong the life of the battery and avoid corrosion.
Later, softer materials for toys were introduced. Jelly toys come from a porous rubber material with chemical phthalates added.
While their have been no conclusive studies on phthalates in sex toys, the use of these materials in our children's toys has been banned. These toys generally have a strong smell when you open the package, and can feel sticky or tacky. Conscientious retailers are proud to no longer carry jelly toys. Eco-friendly and health conscious consumers are avoiding purchasing products that are toxic. But does that mean you need to toss your favorite BOB? Nope, you can use a condom on your jelly toy if you are concerned about exposure to phthalates.
Care and Feeding of your Jelly Toys: Only water-based lubricant is recommend for jelly toys. Clean your jelly toys with mild soap and water, or toy cleaner, and store in a cool, dry place, rather than an airtight container. Be careful not to get the battery compartment wet! And always remove your batteries to prolong the life of the battery and avoid corrosion.
Jelly toys will leach onto other things, so make sure you store them wrapper in a paper towel, or toy bag that is breathable so your jelly toys don't melt and breakdown.
Silicone was introduced to sex toys in the 1980's, and is widely used and popular today. While it is one of the most popular materials for toys, not all silicone is created equal. When choosing a silicone toy, stick to food or medical grade silicone for the safest in silicone toys. Medical grade silicone is hypoallergenic, hygienic, boilable, bleachable, and even dishwasher safe. Some resources suggest that silicone lubricants may not be used on silicone toys, but they can as long as the toy and the lubricant are both of a high quality. How can you tell? I recommend doing a patch test. Rub some on the base of the shaft of the toy, as far away from where you'll want to insert it, just in case. Apply a small amount and check back later for any changes to the surface area.

Care and Feeding of your Silicone Toys: Silicone toys, like hard plastic, can be cleaned with soap and water, toy cleaner, and sanitized with a solution of rubbing alcohol and water. Because they are non-porous, they can be stored virtually anywhere. Be careful not to get the battery compartment wet! And always remove your batteries to prolong the life of the battery and avoid corrosion.
Elastomer is a compound that does not contain phthalates. It starts out soft and has products added to make it harder (unlike PVC that has chemicals added to make it softer). There are no solvents or latex in Elastomer. But to look at it, how can one tell the difference? Look for toys labeled as TPE or TPR. While the type of plastic is a healthier option, it is not a completely non-porous material.
Care and Feeding of your Elastomer Toys: Silicone toys, like hard plastic, can be cleaned with soap and water, toy cleaner, but cannot be disinfected. Be careful not to get the battery compartment wet! And always remove your batteries to prolong the life of the battery and avoid corrosion.
Latex and Rubber: Latex is made from rubber. These toys wear out faster, and can be harmful to people with latex allergies. This material is very porous; therefore, toys made of latex should not be shared unless used with condoms. While mild soap and water, or toy cleaner can be used to clean latex toys, but using condoms makes it easy and fast! While many health and safety conscious retailers are no longer carrying these types of products, you don't have to give up your favorite toy. If you are concerned about the potential toxicity, using a condom can reduce the exposure. Safe sex works with toys as well as people.
Care and Feeding of your Latex and Rubber Toys: Latex and Rubber cannot be sanitized. Clean with soap and water or toy cleaner. Because they are porous, be sure to store in a breathable wrap or bag to keep it clean in between uses. Be careful not to get the battery compartment wet! And always remove your batteries to prolong the life of the battery and avoid corrosion.
Glass is gaining popularity, and is one of MY personal favorite materials for toys. While some women consider this firm material scary, we have grown up with it. We use it in our kitchens on a daily basis, and know it's safety and durability. Glass is non-porous making it anti-bacterial. It also requires little lubrication, making it ideal for all kinds of intimate play. Even though it is difficult to break, be sure to inspect glass toys before each use.
The care and feeding of your glass sex toys… You can clean glass with soap and water, a solution of rubbing alcohol and water, sanitize with a solution of water and bleach, boil in water, or clean in the dishwasher! They are completely non-porous and will not harbor bacteria. You can store them virtually anywhere and some pieces are so beautiful, they beg to be displayed.
Got Wood? Wood initially made me do a double-take. Then I investigated further.
NobEssence™ hand-selects their woods, carves, and meticulously polishes all of their sculptures using the highest American standards of craftsmanship. Their silky-smooth, state-of-the-art, bio-compatible Lubrosity prevent problems such as splintering and splitting. This coating is a completely Phthalate free, odorless and colorless finish which forms an impermeable barrier to chemicals and bacteria. Lubrosity meet USP Class IV and VI Medical Standards. Sculptures attentively encapsulated in Lubrosity coatings are odorless, may be soaked in water, and remain in body-contact for hours at a time - no waxes to melt away, no salad bowl oils to leach out or maintain, and no toxic petroleum distillates. Sculptures are odorless, may be soaked in water, and can remain in body-contact for hours at a time... ummmm, if you wanted to leave it in and watch a movie...?

The care and feeding of your handcrafted wood toys… You can clean wood with mild soap and water, a solution of rubbing alcohol and water. They are completely non-porous and will not harbor bacteria. You can store them virtually anywhere and like glass, some pieces are so beautiful, they look lovely left out for display.
Metal toys! Another one of my favorite materials for penetration. Metal is cool to the touch, and heats up with body contact. It is HEAVY... and gives the receiver a feeling of presence. It is also non-porous, easy to clean, and won't harbor bacteria. Njoy products are designed with solo or partner play in mind, and are perfect for G-spot and prostate exploration. Great for vaginal or anal penetration, or vaginal TO anal, but make sure you clean your toys when going from anal to vaginal play. My favorite design is the Pure Wand. Ideal for giving pressure to the G-spot or prostate while comfortable stimulating the clitoris for her manually or orally. And a lovely way to provide anal or perineal stimulation for him while you're on top, or reaching around.

The care and feeding of your metal toys… You can clean metal with mild soap and water or a solution of rubbing alcohol and water. They are completely non-porous and will not harbor bacteria. You can store them virtually anywhere but most manufacturers provide beautiful boxes or cases to store them between uses.
Pipedream products launched the Metalworx collection, which has made the purchase of metal toys more available to the general population.
The bottom line is: whatever you use on or in your body, be sure to choose, clean and store them carefully. Your toys will give you many moments of pleasure, so play responsibly!
**How to store your new BOB?Wrapper in a clean paper towel and tucked in a drawer is fine. You can also hide it in clean sock or toy bag. Make sure they are not touching other toys and are not too warm. Taking the batteries out in between uses will prolong the life of the batteries and avoid corrosion.
To listen to the full show Ep. 21 on Play With Me On Playboy Radio, click here